Christian Based Counseling

As a Christian, I feel it is of the utmost importance to offer services that focus on God and the client’s personal relationship with Christ.

I feel that many Christians turn from seeking counseling services due to concerns that their religious beliefs can’t be incorporated into sessions, or because they fear that Christian based counseling will be too rigid and scripted for their individual needs.

The Christian based sessions offered at The Mental Bistro carry the same level of professional counseling services utilizing the most appropriate counseling model to meet the client or family’s need as all other services provided, while incorporating aspects of the client’s faith. These sessions can be as Christ centered as the client or family prefers whether that is just an awareness of and incorporation in discussion of the client’s faith, incorporating Bible verses/Bible study, prayer, or incorporating other aspects of the client’s faith into the sessions that the client requests.

The client is given the space to direct the therapist on how much or how little they would like their sessions to be centered on God and the foundation of their faith.